Commitment Weekend (Oct. 3rd & 4th) we will be given an opportunity to make our pledge in support of Faith in Action Campaign 25. If you are not able to respond, you may send your pledge at a later time. If you did not receive any Faith in Action material in the mail, please contact the parish office. Thank you to all who responded to Faith in Action.
The Bishop’s Message from September 12-13 Masses:
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
This weekend, September 12-13, 2015, we launch Faith in Action Campaign 25 in the Diocese of Kamloops. The theme for this campaign is: Sharing the Gift of Hope—the second of the three theological virtues of faith, hope and love.
During the next three weeks you will have an opportunity to hear more about Faith in Action Campaign 25. You will also be receiving information on how to make your financial pledge.
Thank you for your generous support last year for Campaign 24. We look forward in confidence for your continued commitment of the life of the church in our diocese.
Last year, more than $151,000.00 from Faith in Action Campaign 24 was returned to parishes due to parishioner’s generosity exceeding their parish goal These monies were available for much needed parish projects. I trust this financial blessing will continue this year.
With sincere gratitude, I remain Yours Sincerely in Christ,
Most Rev. David J. Monroe
Bishop of Kamloops